Antifyre has the right product for your every need.
We supply a complete range of portable, wheeled, and automatic fire extinguishers.
Whether your needs are for Dry Powder, Foam
Spray, Carbon Dioxide, Class F, or Water Type Extinguishers.
Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers
If your need is for protection against fires in ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, gases, and live electrical equipment, you might choose our very popular Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers.
Many common fires, and in particular, flammable liquid fires such as paint, petroleum, and oils are very effectively extinguished with our AFFF Foam Spray extinguishers.
This naturally non-reactive extinguisher doesn't
leave a residue, damage or contaminate food or drink. Because of its excellent penetration properties Carbon Dioxide is idea for electrical fire risks.
Water Type Fire Extinguishers are often chosen when the risk of fire
normally involves wood, paper, textiles, furnishings and other carbonaceous